Trail Life Troop IL-1190

Christ Centered, Boy Focused

Fall Kick-Off

August 15th at 5:30
Adler Park Playground
1500 N. Milwaukee Ave
Libertyville, IL

Our season opener, the boys play a bit, we have some drop in activities, and parents receive information about the upcoming program year.

Boys ages 5 through 18

Trail Life is a program for boys. We are Christ-centered and boy-focused. The program aims to disciple young Christian men of good character by learning outdoor skills as we acknowledge our responsibility as stewards of creation.

The program is for ages 5 through 18 and is designed to challenge boys at every level to explore their relationship with Christ while testing his own mettle.

Our Troop

Our troop is currently made up of, but not limited to, boys from around Lake County.

Troop meetings are twice a month on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm September through May.

We also plan 1-4 other monthly events.

Troop Costs

TLUSA has a three tiered fee program. The National Registration is completed online and is paid directly to TLUSA when you complete your registration. The National Program Support Fee is paid by the troop to the national program each fall based on the number of members in the troop. Troop Dues remain at the troop level and cover meeting materials and the cost of most awards. Throughout the year, the troop plans optional activities that trailmen and their families are asked to pay, for example, roller skating, camping registration, or bowling costs. Additionally, our troop requires every trailman to wear a Troop Uniform to every meeting and most events and many boys will need a handbook. Our troop holds a fundraiser each fall. The earnings for this fundraiser are used to offset the National Program Support Fee, usually reducing the portion of the fee that each family is asked to cover.


At each regular troop meeting, grade school aged boys work on skills in 7 areas we call “branches”. We are often working on more than one branch at a time. All 7 branches are covered each year and, as boys grow older, wiser, and more mature, their understanding and mastery of these skills improves. Recognition is earned for completing each branch, with a special award for completing all 7.


In middle school, boys begin working on badges. Although some badge requirements are completed at meetings, boys are encouraged to take on independent badge work toward greater advancement in the program.

Although high school age boys are welcome and would be challenged, our troop does not currently have any trailmen this age. We look forward to graduating some of our Navigators to Adventurers in the next year or two, and of course, new members are welcome at all levels.

Hit the Trail

Hit the Trail (HTT) activities are specifically designed to meet branch requirements for Woodlands age boys, but our whole troop enjoys participating in these activities outside our regular troop meetings. HTT activities frequently overlap with Navigator badge requirements.

Some of the things we do outside of our regular meetings include:

  • Camping
  • Skating
  • Bowling
  • Car Wash
  • Jerry Smith Farm
  • Culver’s fundraising for Feed My Starving Children
  • Hiking
  • Wauconda Memorial Day Parade
  • Leadership Conference

Our Sponsor

We were chartered by Trinity Community Church in Libertyville, IL in 2014. The people of this community continue to support us in so many ways – administratively, financially, and of course, with their prayers as well as providing our meeting location. We are continually grateful for their support.

Our Sister AHG Troop

We regularly meet and co-host events with our sister troop. You can find a link to their web site here.